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Competitive Advantage
Karbolyte is a high-end brand under the Calburt Thermal Group, which has more than 6500 employees and is one of the world's leading providers of commercial and industrial heating.
1.7 Million
In the United States and Europe, we have installed more than 1.7 million sets of heating systems. Karbolyte is the absolute leader of the heating market in the United States.
Karbolyte provides excellent heating solutions for renovation, upgrading and new construction projects. Applications range from private apartments to commercial applications to industrial plants, including many fields.
Karbolyte is a leader in heating solutions for commercial, public and high-end private users.
Karbolyte is a global pioneer in modern condensing combustion technology, energy-saving and environmental protection products and solar energy technology.
Specialized Subject
No matter designers, HVAC engineers or operators, every customer in Kartbolyte can get the most suitable suggestions. To this end, we set standards for each part to ensure that the system can maintain maximum reliable performance and high energy efficiency throughout its life cycle.