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Technical Advantages
The world's leading provider of commercial heating and hot water solutions
Karbolyte is a high-end brand under the Calburt Thermal Group, which has more than 6500 employees and is one of the world's leading providers of commercial and industrial heating.
1.7 Million
In the United States and Europe, we have installed more than 1.7 million sets of heating systems. Karbolyte is the absolute leader of the heating market in the United States.
Karbolyte provides excellent heating solutions for renovation, upgrading and new construction projects. Applications range from private apartments to commercial applications to industrial plants, including many fields.
Karbolyte is a leader in heating solutions for commercial, public and high-end private users.
Karbolyte is a global pioneer in modern condensing combustion technology, energy-saving and environmental protection products and solar energy technology.
Specialized Subject
No matter designers, HVAC engineers or operators, every customer in Kartbolyte can get the most suitable suggestions. To this end, we set standards for each part to ensure that the system can maintain maximum reliable performance and high energy efficiency throughout its life cycle.
About Karbolyte

Karbolyte Thermal Energy Group was founded in 1928 and headquartered in Colorado, USA.

As one of the world's leading heating systems and service providers, Karbolyte Thermal Energy Group is committed to providing cutting-edge, high-quality and energy-efficient products, providing users with safe, energy-saving and environmentally friendly heating equipment, and achieving the lowest energy consumption.

"The ultimate value of an enterprise is reflected in promoting human civilization and social progress." The values established by the founder Buter at the beginning of the establishment of the enterprise.

The Group has three business divisions: thermal energy equipment, environmental protection and energy saving equipment and components, and has more than 20 well-known brands.

0+ Billion Dollar
Sales Volume
0+ Million
Product Sales
0+ People
Management Personnel
0+ Million Dollar
Investment funds
Main Products
  • Low nitrogen evaporator Low nitrogen evaporator

    Low nitrogen evaporator

  • Low nitrogen atmospheric pressure hot water boiler Low nitrogen atmospheric pressure hot water boiler

    Low nitrogen atmospheric pressure hot water boiler

  • Low nitrogen vacuum hot water boiler Low nitrogen vacuum hot water boiler

    Low nitrogen vacuum hot water boiler

  • Low nitrogen evaporator1 Low nitrogen evaporator1

    Low nitrogen evaporator1

Inspection free ultra-low nitrogen steam engine
Inspection free ultra-low nitrogen steam engine

Karbolyte steam engine adopts the revolutionary large flat combustion low nitrogen tube bundle water-cooled furnace body technology. The flat combustion is composed of tens of thousands of micro flames. In combination with Karbolyte's unique tubular tube bundle furnace body structure, the flame cooling is rapid and greatly inhibits the generation of nitrogen oxides (NOx), reducing the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) to below 30mg/m3. The hot rolled tube bundle furnace body structure has high heat transfer coefficient and low water retention. The boiler can be started for 1-3 minutes, and the heat loss during purging is reduced by 20%. There is no preheating load loss, and the operating efficiency is up to more than 98%.

The working noise is below 70dB, truly achieving ultra-low nitrogen, low noise, and high efficiency work.


Condensing low nitrogen hot water unit
Condensing low nitrogen hot water unit

Karbolyte water-cooled burner, inverted cold flame combustion. The integrated design of burner and heat exchanger, reverse heat exchange, can rapidly reduce the temperature of flame root, present a blue flame state, heat transfer quickly and fully, and effectively inhibit NOx emission.

Ultra low nitrogen vacuum hot water unit
Ultra low nitrogen vacuum hot water unit

Low noise

Adopting silent fans and proportional combustion to reduce noise to below 65dB

Ultra low nitrogen

Introduce the world's most advanced fully premixed large-scale flat combustion technology to reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions below 15mg/m.

High efficiency

The forced air supply fully premixed ultra-low nitrogen (NOx) large-scale flat combustion technology, combined with tube bundle water-cooled furnace body and secondary condensation recovery technology, achieves a thermal efficiency of up to 104%.

Quick start

Adopting a high-efficiency tube bundle water-cooled furnace body structure, the amount of heat medium is low, and hot water can be produced within 5 minutes of startup. The preheating load is low, saving operating costs.

Low pressure of flowing gas

To meet the current situation of low gas flow pressure in some cities in China, the entire series of boilers can achieve high-efficiency and ultra-low nitrogen operation under 2Kpa pressure.

Intelligent control

Touch screen display, virtual buttons, self diagnosis of faults, fully automatic operation, and remote control through human-machine dialogue.

March 15 2023
Karbolyte Thermal Energy Group was founded in 1928 and headquartered in Colorado, USA.
March 15 2023
Karbolyte Thermal Energy Group was founded in 1928 and headquartered in Colorado, USA.
March 15 2023
Karbolyte Thermal Energy Group was founded in 1928 and headquartered in Colorado, USA.